Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Why haven't we blogged in a bit?

Probably because tomorrow is the official launch of the newspaper.
More details tomorrow. Promise.
Until then, beginning at midnight our time you can read it online.


Alexander said...

Absolutely awesome. Huge congratulations are in order. A truly excellent start and a new standard in newspaper publishing in the Middle East. Gushy, I know. But it's very, very good indeed...

Anonymous said...

What a great paper. The amount of content amazes me. Will it be so chockful every day?! I love that we can view the paper as printed.

Congratulations, Leash and Wes.

Nancy said...

Looks really good!

I do have to admit to laughing when I read the front page poll and one of the items listed under things that damage AD's reputation is washing cars in public places. :-)