Sunday, August 31, 2008

Ramadan Kareem!

Abu Dhabi- Worshippers enter the Musallah Eid mosque in Aug 31, 2008 in Abu Dhabi. The Ramadan is due to begin depending on the moon sighting. (The National/ Andre Forget)

It is Ramadan as of sunset today! Ramadan officially starts when the very first sliver of moon is sighted after the New Moon. Every year there is some debate about when it actually happens since it can vary in some regions, but most of the time a majority of countries agree on the same day. Officially the UAE has recognised sundown today as the first day! That means that the next month Muslims will be fasting from dawn to sunset every day.

I copied all the stuff below from some emails that went around our company that explain some things, since I didnt want to have to retype everything

Iftar - the meal at sunset when Muslims break their fast. It’s family oriented and full of traditions, which usually vary depending on national origin.

Suhour - the meal that Muslims have before sun break. Basically their last meal before they begin their fast. This also is built on traditions that vary from country to country, but in general you can think of Ramadan as a nocturnal month. People will be crawling out of the woodwork around 10 or 11 in the evening, after they’ve had their Iftar, done their prayers, socialised and watched their favourite TV series. Expect restaurants to be open until about 4 or 5 am, serving their “Ramadan specials” for this meal.

Imsak - this is the moment that Muslims refrain from eating and drinking to begin their fast. It happens exactly when the dawn call to prayer begins.

Niyyah - means intention. This is an important concept in Islam, particularly for fasting. In order to fast, you must have the intention to do so from the day before, and prepare yourself accordingly.

Khaimah or Khiyam - means tent(s). You’ll see them all over. Basically wealthy individuals along with businesses and charity organisations setup these tents to provide free Iftar and Suhour meals to anyone who shows up. They’ll be all over the UAE. Makes for a great multimedia / pictoral presentation.

Azan al Fajer - sunrise call to prayer, which marks the Imsak, the beginning of the fast.

Azan al Maghreb - sunset call to prayer, which means Muslims can break their fast. NOTE OF CAUTION: Stay off the roads during this time as the normally nutty UAE drivers get even more nutty. Drivers are hungry, thirsty, grumpy, hot and many have a nikfit. At this time of day, you’ll find they are rushing home to make it just in time to hear the call to prayer, so that they can break their fast with their family. I would not want to be a pedestrian during that hour.

Ramadan Kareem everyone! I know that we will be enjoying the huge buffets and smoking lots of shisha! (except for Elysia, who will be in Las Vegas, the opposite of Ramadan for a couple weeks)

Saturday, August 30, 2008

The last two weeks of Monday Cake

I'm a bit behind with the big Monday Cake reveal (two weeks to be exact) so here's a feast for your eyes. Sadly, these will be the last Monday Cake pictures for some time as Ramadan begins Sept. 1 and signals a whole month of no food in the office.

Key lime pie (made with Indian limes)
My personal favorite thus far was this pie. Complete with homemade graham cracker crust and whipped cream. I was excited for the whipped cream because it gave me a chance to use my new piping bag.

Carmel cake
I actually didn't know such a cake recipe existed until I had a coworker request it. While the cake itself was a pretty easy one to make — unwrapping all the tiny caramels and melting them down was not. The icing for this cake also provided me a cooking lesson. I found myself making it twice! There is a fine line in cooking butter down to turn it a nut brown color and cooking butter down and burning it.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

strange packaging

I love the hypermarts here. You can get all kinds of fruit, spices, candies, and every other type of food from all over the world. There are literally a hundred different types of just Mangoes. And plenty of fruit you will never see in the US. Of course, along with all the amazing things are the strange ones. After seeing some things that caused me to ask 'Why?' I started taking photos to show everyone how things are done here.

I know that oil and water don't mix, but HEY! I know!!! Let try Oil and Tang!

When you really need to quench your thirst... If a 6 pack of Coke doesn't do it, then maybe the free bottles of water that come with the Coke will!!!! Yes. Thats right, each 6 pack comes with 2 water bottles too.

Buy the mini juice packages, and get a bottle for them! A bottle that will hold 2 juice boxes worth of liquid, for those times when carrying 2 juice boxes is just too much trouble and you only want to carry one item!

Buy 2 Pringles, one for Mom, one for Dad, and get the free kid size packages for the little ones to fight over!

This makes a little more sense. buy the cheap powdered milk and get the cheap no brand choco-pops to color it brown.

In case you forgot to pick up the ketchup for your spaghetti last time you went to the store.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Some get ready for Ramadan, I get ready for Vegas

While other's will be fasting (the whole country in public during Sept 1-30), I'll be doing the EXACT opposite in Las Vegas. What amazing timing.

I'm still debating if I want to be a VERY nice wife and pre-make some dinners for Wes and store them in the freezer so he can eat them after sundown. We'll see how nice he is the next few days.

I do think it would be interesting to be here the whole month and try to fast with everyone. Perhaps I'll do so on my return from the States. I will probably need to after eating ridiculous meals at Craftsteak and Fleur de Lys.

Monday, August 25, 2008

The label Ade likes to use: Hippiecrit (part 2)

Remember how I was saying Wes has been doing a lot of non-Wes things since we moved here (see the entry about him purchasing a 50" plasma TV)...?

Well, this should shock and amuse at the same time.

Behold! The meat eater!
The murderer looks guilty/yet very pleased

I have to say that I was a bit surprised when Wes wanted to eat at a Brazilian restaurant. I looked at him puzzled and said, "You know they only serve meat here, right?" I think he thought that meat included fish (something he has been eating for the past few months). At least we have the joy of eating all Halal animals (locally raised and killed by hand with a clean sharp knife to the throat).

What did Wes think of his Brazilian meat eating experience?

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Home, sweet home

The moment that some of you have been waiting for. Finally! A look at our one bedroom flat.

Blue bedroom, large bed

Bedroom crystal ball

Cozy bathroom, large tub

Duck green livingroom

Where I spend most of my time

Can you spot your picture on my fridge?

Making things like this....

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Fond words from the Brits

Today we got into a discussion about France and how I'm secretly afraid to go there after hearing horror stories about the treatment of non-French speakers. I have a feeling that watching "French Kiss" the other night has re-enforced this fear.

The Brits on my desk claim my fears are true.

"You'll go into a shop and speak French trying to order a sandwich and then they will get angry and say, 'YEAH YEAH. I'll get you and sandwich' in English."

"The French are a bunch of cheese eating surrender monkeys."

"I refused for a long time to believe that the French are all assholes. A whole nation can't be like that. But I think they want you to believe they are assholes."

Ringing endorsements about France, eh? I really want to go for the food. But I think I could do without the attitude. Maybe I just need someone that speaks French to go with me, oui?

Monday, August 18, 2008

When I think about tilling I immediatly think about...

...unless agicultural means something totally else (maybe it's Engrish for probe?)....

Our design in the news (or at least, in a blog)

Someone blogs about The National (and blogs about my sections!). It ain't long. Read it HERE.

Friday, August 15, 2008

How does she keep getting into this blog?

I guess any semi-famous American celebrity has an equal shot at doing so if they are dating a member of the Abu Dhabi royal family!

Celb insider Perez Hilton is reporting that Pamela Anderson is doing just that. Pam's pictures graced the pages of many magazines here in June when she came for a charity event. After that even more news surfaced when she announced her plans for building an eco-friendly hotel in the capital.

I bet they are "dating" so the royal family can guarantee she follows through with building the hotel. AND THAT'S how business gets done!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Nothing to see here people, move along

I'm really glad I'm getting a UAE break in a few weeks. It's 21 days until Vegas now. And a bit more than that till Detroit. I desperately require dog cuddles.

While I get to talk to my mother a pretty good amount here, I am realizing how I have no other contact with anyone. While my grandmother will call every-other month, emails from my dad and a few random text messages/drunk dials from Ade ... well, that's it. Yes, I'm bitching. But not in an angry way. I know people are busy running their own lives and are just trying to keep in contact with those that live in the same town. It's just really really hard sometimes.

I miss getting mail. I miss phone calls. I miss knowing what people are doing over the weekend. And while Facebook was filling that void for a bit — well, it ain't doing it anymore. I feel so disconnected from people.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Get out there and FLY, people

Got an extra $1200 burning a hole in your pocket? Why not come and visit Wes and I in October? Best time of the year to come (minus the Shopping Festival that starts January 24th). October is great because it isn't insanely hot anymore (just hot). It's also going to be great because Abu Dhabi is hosting the second annual Middle East Film Festival during that time.

November and December are good too (but after December it's too cool out to swim and enjoy the beach as temps only reach 60-70degrees).

Monday Cake, part 5

Last week I got adventurous and did a double selection: Carrot and coconut cupcakes.
Gotta love the fresh and abundant produce of the UAE!
All 36 cupcakes went in a flash.

Pretty-little coconut cakes

The collection

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Another overseas purchase

This time it ISN'T American!
Dubai has just purchased 20% of Cirque du Solei from it's Quebec founders.
To read about the deal, CLICK HERE.

Seriously, this place is totally Vegas.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

A date with royalty, part 2

After the sand we decided to stop into the Liwa Date Festival that was nearly in it's last day. While I was hoping for date ice cream we got something even sweeter! A photo and handshake with his Highness General Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces and Chairman of the Executive Council of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. How's that for a title?!!

There are plenty of booths at the Liwa Date Festival — including this one featuring a number of different kinds of date trees.

The UAE is IN LOVE with breaking world records. The country's newest is having the largest plate of dates in the world.

Oooooooohhhh... That's a lot of dates.

Lots of "State Fair-like" exhibits showcasing how Emirates used to live in the desert. This is before the gold-platted toilets and large Range Rovers. Notice the shrine to the Sheikh. You'd never see something like that dedicated to Bush.

One of many pictures of Karen and I with dates

A Super.Happy.Gazelle

Wes wishes this truck was his. He's dreamed of the day where he owned a car that matched his pants.

Told you. Just in case you didn't believe me... more photos of dates.

Well look who walked in....
Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan and I meet. His response, "Ah, you must be from The National." He's a sharp guy, or at least his PR guy is.
Probably the first guy with a nail in his eyebrow to ever shake Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan's hand.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Our exciting day in Liwa, part 1

Yesterday's journey into Liwa started out innocent enough. Our day was loosely planned with it's main goal being to see a lot of large sand dunes and visit the "real" desert. We decided that it was a perfect way to test out our friend Neil's test vehicle (he's the motoring guy at the paper): A large orange Hummer. But we got much more than we bargained for .... which is why this entry will be much larger. (That, and we're still waiting on some photos.) Here's part one with a little photo essay of our trip.

Our crazy Canadian friend Neil says, "GET IN!"

Maybe this should have been a sign of things to come... A random sculpture welcoming us to Liwa.

Strange sight number 2: We spot a glass case full of weird white chocolate sculptures at lunch

A view from the Liwa Hotel, the place we ate lunch

On the way to check out the dunes we spot 1/2 a sign..

To quote Hunter S. Thompson, "What the hell are we doing in the middle of the desert?"

Wes pretends he bought a Hummer

Random buildings in the middle of nowhere

Lots and lots of nothing




Random sight number 3: A castle tower. We wonder if there was once a putt-putt golf there...

On the way back we spot CAMELS! I hate to say it Cassie, but they were cooler than you. Needless to say, I now want a camel as a pet.
The camels say, "We have visitors!"
Itchy neck
Baby camel and mom with camel bra
At first I didn't know if we should pet them..
But I totally couldn't resist
Camels love close-ups

Part 2: 'A date with royalty'