Monday, December 29, 2008

Elysia's top of 2008

::::drum roll please::::

Best big life moment
Moving to a foreign land BEFORE the recession hits
Runner up: Having the funds to actually have a real wedding celebration with

Best dish
White truffled mashed potatoes at Bord Eau in Abu Dhabi
Runner up: Salmon appetizer at Al Fanar in Abu Dhabi

Best event
Barack Obama getting elected
Runner up: Lizzie's going away party at the champagne bar

Favorite album
Vampire Weekend, Vampire Weekend
Runner up: Seriously, was it just me or was there a lack of good music this year?

Best clothing find
Discovering one-of-a-kind clothing on
Runner up: The discovery of Harvey Nichols in Dubai as the closest thing to Nordstrom

Best new tradition
My wedding anniversary
Runner up: Monday Cake

Best vacation
Vegas for work
Runner up: (Re)discovering Amsterdam with Wes

Most exciting new food

Learning how to properly enjoy an oyster... condiments included.
Runner up: Foir Gras and pretending I don't know where it comes from

Favorite film
'The Wackness'
Runners up: 'Pineapple Express', 'The Counterfeiters' and 'Tropic Thunder'

Best animal
Runner up: Greyhounds from afar (greyhounds in person are much, much better)

Best TV on DVD
"It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" season 3
Runners up: Gossip Girl and Mad Men

Next years' list will most likely include: Wedding celebration of the century, getting out of debt, St. Patrick's Day in Ireland

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Is it bad that I'm most jealous of the white truffle mashed potatoes?

p.s. Gossip Girl and Mad Men = awesome! I haven't seen Sunny in Philadelphia yet, but I've heard I'd love it.