Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Another address change

Perhaps the third time will be the charm?
Please note that our work mailing address (our only mailing address) has changed yet AGAIN.

Please send all mail to:

Elysia Smith &/or Wes Mininger
c/o The National
Abu Dhabi Media Company
P.O. Box 111434
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

If you've sent us something recently (bless your little heart) it will still get here via the old address.

And, if your saying to yourself, "The National"? Yep, that's the name of the newspaper. It's (finally) been publicly announced!


Alexander said...

Damn. I thought it was 'The Nation'...


Unknown said...

What a lame name. I guess newspapers only have so many options...

Nancy said...

I have to admit that at first I thought the name was pretty lame too. But the more I thought about it, it wouldn't be a good idea for a newspaper to get real creative with a name if they want to be taken seriously. It's certainly better than the AD Times or something like that. ;-