Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Even in Abu Dhabi...

... I can manage to get a parking ticket.

Yea, I can't read it either.

Needless to say, parking tickets in Abu Dhabi are almost unheard of. When I told people I got a parking ticket their first reaction was, "HU?" The city is known for it's "park-anywhere" attitude. Towing generally doesn't exist either. People park on sidewalks, next to fire hydrants, in the middle of lanes... pretty anywhere their car will fit. Oh, and boy do they double park (even I won't do that). Only recently has the mention of parking meters popped up.

Typical view of cramped parking conditions.

What I got fined for: Parking in the middle... a common Abu Dhabi practice.

After some translation I've discovered the fine is at least sort of low. About 200 AED or $55 and can be paid whenever (including next year when I renew my insurance).

Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy birthday, Cassie dog!

Today is Cassie's 6th birthday. Sadly I cannot give her birthday pats — only virtual ones on Facebook. ::sigh::

If you're in the Canton, MI area today you can stop by my mother's house where Cassie is having a dog birthday party. Balloons, carob dog cake from Three Dog Bakery and party hats... yes, I am for real.

Happy birthday Snassy!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Next May

May 22, 2009, less than a year from now, is the planned wedding date/party for Wes and I in Michigan.

This is as promised for those who couldn't make our small ceremony in Washington on December 22, 2007.

I don't know exactly what we're gonna do (if anything for a ceremony) but their will be a dinner/reception and an after party.

Details to come. Wes and I will sort it all out when we get back to Michigan in two weeks.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

The label Ade likes to use: Hippiecrit

Editor's note: Today Elysia embarks on a new series labeled ,"Is this the man you and I remember?" In it we'll take a look at Wes and the changes he's made since landing in the great big A.D.

The man who once said "TV is stupid" and "I don't want the television to be the focal point of the living room" has done the unthinkable. Yes, Wes has purchased a 50" Plasma screen TV.

Talk amongst yourselves.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

"Don't you dare call it soccer"

Football here (that's soccer to most of you Americans) is HUGE. And while that's not a surprise to the rest of the world it is for America (still). Well, at least most Americans (minus my old boss David).

Anyway, tonight we headed off to the pub to watch the big championship game of Manchester United vs. Chelsea with our neighbors and good friends Angela and Alex (Alex is from Manchester). Needless to say, the bar was packed. I wasn't too concerned with the game as Wes and I use the occasion to drink. But, as he says, "Do we really need an excuse to drink?"

But, really, a packed bar with a lot of chanting drunk crazy football fans is the tops. Totally exciting. Especially that part where Manchester won during the shootout. The celebration for that was a lot of hugging, screaming and kissing. Good times.

(Oh, and my apologies to anyone I (happily) drunk dialed last night! I totally blacked out on free champagne and Wes said I was a giggly mess with an itchy dialing finger.)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

"I've never been able to properly express myself in this climate"

I have a feeling I'll be uttering a lot of Hunter S. Thompson quotes this summer. Dear god man, it's already tipping past 100 degrees!


Notice how it's constantly "sunny"... never a cloud in the sky (sadly). July, August and September are supposed to be worse. I hear it's impossible to stand outside for longer than 5 minutes.

Before you know it I'll be saying to Wes: "What the hell are we doing in the middle of the desert..."

Somebody get me another green sun visor! STAT.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Already piling up

Things are firming up for our trip home. Tada...the list! (Subject to change, of course)

June 12th
AM: Landing in Detroit around 10:30am (followed by some sleeping and eating)
PM: Picking Erik and Sarah up from the airport

June 13th
AM: Drive to E.L. for the wedding, brunch, check in to hotel, romp around the town
PM: Wedding

June 14th-15th

June 15th
PM: Father's Day dinner in Detroit

June 16th-18th

June 18th-23rd
NO PLANS! Hooray!

June 23rd
Back to the other side of the world

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Dubai drive-by

Driving through Dubai with a friend recently, I snapped these pictures through the passenger side window. It was a good excuse to play with the b&w setting on my semi-new camera.



Thursday, May 15, 2008

How many of you would come visit if this happens?

The UAE is putting a bid in today to host the World Cup. Read about it HERE.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Thank Goodness it's almost Friday (again)

FYI: We've uploaded a ton of photos again so be prepared for a number of photo-filled posts in the next week.

Here's a little story:

Elysia gets invited to a party. She invited a few friends (and her husband) and they set out on a strange and mysterious journey to catch a boat that will take them to the middle of the Persian Gulf to some island. Why? Well, apparently there's a party on said island with booze and food. So each one of them shell out 250 AED (which is about $60) and meet at the dock at 10 a.m. Surrounded by a lot of 20/30 somethings and some thumping electronic music they set out on a 45 minute journey on a large yacht. Suddenly, in the middle of open waters the boat slows down and approaches an "island" that is more like a sandbar, a sandbar with no shade. Next to the island resides a heavily armed police boat. Elysia's accomplices eye her as to say, "What the hell did you get us into?"
Thankfully the yacht soon speeds up again. Eventually another island appears... and the boat slow. As it comes into better view they spot GRASS?!?!!!! Yup. An island covered in green grass, gazelle, A HUGE mansion, the biggest and most luxurious swimming pool, a London DJ spinning bumping tunes, a private beach, waiters, lots of catering and 7 stands serving an open bars (including one large one in the pool).
"Oh yea, this is my cousin's island," a girl de-boarding the boat proudly boasts. With puzzled looks she continues. "Sheik Huzzah, this is his island." (Later in the day, after many drinks in the sun Elysia dubs him Sheik Huzzah, the patron sheik of partying.) With all you can eat and drink until sundown.. well, the rest is history. This Friday, history repeats. Lucky us : )

So, to keep with our current events here's a preview of what we're in for (again) this Friday.

Looking at the island (and the mega mansion)

Neil in front of the yacht

Off the boat and over the bridge

Lots of relaxing

"Can I get you some drinks?"



Token couple picture

Wes in the gulf playing with the creatures

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

What i've been up to at work

For those curious why I've been spending long hours at work click here and see some of the pages I've designed/illustrated.

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Flight details


From Abu Dhabi to Amsterdam (Schiphol)
Flight number KL0455
Departure time 12:45 AM Thu 12 Jun 2008
Arrival time 5:55 AM Thu 12 Jun 2008
Class Economy Class

From Amsterdam (Schiphol) to Detroit (Wayne County Airport)
Flight number KL6039
Departure time 8:00 AM Thu 12 Jun 2008
Arrival time 10:35 AM Thu 12 Jun 2008
Flight duration 17:50 h
Class Economy
Remarks Total journey time: 17 hours 50 minutes

Operated by Northwest Airlines


From Detroit (Wayne County Airport) to Amsterdam (Schiphol)
Flight number KL6048
Departure time 9:20 PM Sun 22 Jun 2008
Arrival time 11:15 AM Mon 23 Jun 2008
Class Economy
Remarks Operated by Northwest Airlines

From Amsterdam to Abu Dhabi
Flight number KL0451
Departure time 1:30 PM Mon 23 Jun 2008
Arrival time 10:00 PM Mon 23 Jun 2008
Flight duration 16:40 h
Class Economy Class
Remarks Total journey time: 16 hours 40 minutes

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Next up on the Vegas concert train...

OH, did I say Vegas? Should have said Dubai. Basically the same thing.

Click here to read about the next TWO divas hitting the U.A.E. this month. Oh yea, Preze Hilton reports.

"Hello, yes, your wasting my time..."

Passed out and under the influence of five different prescriptions (and a nice pain killer injection) Elysia answers her ringing phone. (No worries only a bad ear infection).

She does not recognize the number.

E: (A groggy) Hello?
Voice: Hello.
E: (Annoyed) Yes? Can I help you?
Voice: How are you?
E: (Very annoyed) Sick. What can I help you with? What is this in regard to?
Voice: You are sick? Do you have a fever?
Voice: This is Aybes. Who is this?
Voice: (As if he just remembered he made a phone call) OH! I was dialing my friend and I think I may have misdialed. Elysia do you live in Abu Dhabi? In the U.A.E.?
E: ::::::CLICK:::::::