Thursday, May 22, 2008

"Don't you dare call it soccer"

Football here (that's soccer to most of you Americans) is HUGE. And while that's not a surprise to the rest of the world it is for America (still). Well, at least most Americans (minus my old boss David).

Anyway, tonight we headed off to the pub to watch the big championship game of Manchester United vs. Chelsea with our neighbors and good friends Angela and Alex (Alex is from Manchester). Needless to say, the bar was packed. I wasn't too concerned with the game as Wes and I use the occasion to drink. But, as he says, "Do we really need an excuse to drink?"

But, really, a packed bar with a lot of chanting drunk crazy football fans is the tops. Totally exciting. Especially that part where Manchester won during the shootout. The celebration for that was a lot of hugging, screaming and kissing. Good times.

(Oh, and my apologies to anyone I (happily) drunk dialed last night! I totally blacked out on free champagne and Wes said I was a giggly mess with an itchy dialing finger.)

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