Saturday, May 24, 2008

The label Ade likes to use: Hippiecrit

Editor's note: Today Elysia embarks on a new series labeled ,"Is this the man you and I remember?" In it we'll take a look at Wes and the changes he's made since landing in the great big A.D.

The man who once said "TV is stupid" and "I don't want the television to be the focal point of the living room" has done the unthinkable. Yes, Wes has purchased a 50" Plasma screen TV.

Talk amongst yourselves.


Nancy said...

Gasp!!! Next thing you know, he'll be watching reality tv! It's a slippery slope you know!

nelsestu said...

Tis a sad day and the tears do flow. We all have our weak moments but after successfully shaking the shackles of television, how odd it seems to seek its comforting confines once again. Wes' television free days will be in my thoughts today.