Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Laughed so hard I cried

I can never complain about my job choice in life. Not many people can come to work and discover that their sole job that day is to compile Chuck Norrisism and create a poster like design with them. There is that and laughing so hard that you start crying. That's the mark of a great day.

A&L Editor: Elysia, this looks great but we have to change this one. We can't say that.
Me: Which one? The Def Leppard one? But it's true, he does only have one arm!
A&L Editor: Yes, but the drummer lost it in a car accident. We shouldn't say that Chuck Norris ripped it off to use as a back scratcher.

Then we just looked at each other and laughed until I cried.

What am I talking about? This statement:
"The Drummer for Def Leppard's only got one arm. Chuck Norris needed a back scratcher."

Still don't know what I'm talking about? Go here and see for yourself.
Happy birthday, Chuck.

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