Monday, February 18, 2008

About a month and a half

It's been that long since I've seen Wes. It's true.

But the wait is almost over. In a few hours I'll hire a cab and retrieve my husband from the airport.

Although we've gone longer without seeing each other (remember when Wes and I lived apart for eight months when I first got to Washington?), it's always seems hard to be separated for longer than a week's time. It's strange because it seems that whenever we are apart for longer than a month we both forget the little things about the other. Like, right now, I'm having the hardest time remember what he looks like. OK, I know what he looks like, but I've forgotten smaller details that you take for granted when you're around a person a lot.

But most of all I'm excited and curious for him to see things in Abu Dhabi... like the shops and buildings.. not to mention our downgraded hotel. Ha. I'm even more excited to go pick out our "new life" together.

Things are really getting good now.


Nancy said...

I have to laugh at the I forgot what he looks like comment. His dad went over to Indonesia before the rest of us. Wes was seven and once when his dad called, Wes told me he that didn't remember what his dad looked like. I think in that instance he was trying a little bit of a guilt trip! :-)

trwtrw said...

I don't remember what anyone looks like. Who are you? Have you seen my slippers?

Elysia said...

The better question is.. WHO are you trwtrw?

trwtrw said...

trwtrw is Uncle Tom.