Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Taco Bell.
That's what this place is missing.

Even among the sea of TGI Friday's, Chili's, McDonald's, Hardees, Burger King, Starbucks, Cosi, Pizza Hut and KFC there isn't a thing like Taco Bell.

(There is, however, a Chi-Chi's. Go figure.)

Yes, I'm loving all the exotic fruit, cheeses and fine dinning....

But all I want at this very moment is a .89 cent bean burrito with no onions and extra sour cream. Oh, and a few packets of hot sauce with clever (but dumb sayings) printed under the Taco Bell logo.


Nancy said...

Oh yeah, exotic fruits! I need to know if they have rambutans! It's not the right season, but somebody will know. I really should come during rambutan season. :-) Does that make you hungry Wes?

JB said...

I know that you miss our late night runs to the Lansing Taco Bell Drive-thru (because we were too lazy to get out of the car and walk the 10 feet to the door of the Grand River one) :)