Tada! A new license with big Texas-like hair. That's what I get for going to bed with a wet head.
Next up: Buy a car. Well, that or lease one. Wes wants to buy a motorcycle. And I want a Mini Cooper. We'll see who wins (bet on me). I even went to the BMW dealership and got prices and drooled on the cars.
After some more bills are paid off we'll get transportation. My guess is July.
Ah, come on Elysia, can't you come to some sort of compromise? I figure you can let Wes get his motorcycle and you can get your mini and just attach it as a side cab! You can even paint the Union Jack on it!
Oh, heavens! I think your hair looks fabulous, in a Lifetime movie kind of way.
OMG. Your hair looks really cute (How gay am I)?! You look like a 1960's Precilla Presley flight attendant.
Poopy Pants.
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