Sunday, January 13, 2008

What's in this name?

Wes and I had a hard time coming up with a name for our blog (God, do we hate that word). We tossed around a few ideas but us agreeing on something is generally rare.

Wes vetoed "Abu Dhabi Doing It". Looking back on that I now realize how lame it was.
Although, I can't take all the credit for it.

Before I left Washington my co-workers gave me my "Top 10 List" on the reasons why I was leaving... "Abu Dhabi Do" (or something like that) was the headline.

Wes later came up with something about "crazy-fun-super-happy" but I thought it was too long.

We settled on the play on a horrible translation (even though it seems kinda Japanese) mixed with the meaning of Abu Dhabi (Father of the Gazelle).

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