The phone number to use to contact Elysia in Abu Dhabi is 011 971 503295620
Since rates from the US can be expensive if you are calling by your usual service, you may want to buy a phone card.
Since she is using a mobile phone, you need to make sure that you select that option.
from Eastern time +9 hours. that means if you try to call at 6pm it is 3am there and Elysia will be mad at you for waking her up.
Pacific time +12 hours, this works well for you guys actually, if you call during the day before noon, it will be night there, and if you call after 9pm it will be during the day there.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
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You should sign up for Skype. I've never actually used it but I've heard it's pretty awesome (and free) for calls through the Web overseas.
(This totally sounded like a spam ad)
I'm anxiously waiting for a post about the job itself.
- Benita
Seriously, Skype is the best thing ever. Chat program/Internet phone calls/Internet video phone calls, all free with other Skype users. You can call regular phones, too, but it'll cost you. Still cheaper than regular rates, I think.
To put it mildly, it's been my lifeline.
skype is blocked by the UAE at this time as being inconsistent with the morals and something or other.... maybe elysia can post the page that comes up. there may be a way around it, and if i can get it to work when I am there we will be using it. Apparently the UAE does this sometimes and so it will go on and off for no real reason.
I ordered a card through Raza this weekend but they wouldn't activate it because they had to literally call my bank! They told me to call back today which I just did and I was put on hold while they called, after of course I had supplied the banks 800#. If I have to go through this every time, I'm going to try a different card!
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